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The Evolution of Sponge

Who woulda thunk?? That what cleaned up America’s kitchen counters in the 1950s would lead way to one of the most popular non-surfing forms of wave riding on the planet!! From sponge to superstar and beyond, we take a look at the evolution of the modern day sponge….

Let’s take a look at how it all evolved …..

1950s = Kitchen Sponge

50s sponge


1960s = Blow up Rafts
60s Raft


1970s = Morey Boogieboard!

old morey 70s


1980s =  Morey Slick bottom




1990s = Spongebob

late 90s



2000s = INT boards hit the scene


2010s =  The Beater board

Beater Board 2010s



2050 = It comes full circle with the kitchen sponge, used to clean up the world’s polluted oceans…. that would be far from the truth, but imagine if?

50s sponge

Originally posted 2013-08-07 17:16:24. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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