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70 Seconds with Greyson Fletcher

70 Seconds with Greyson Fletcher

Greyson Fletcher is only in his early 20s but is quickly becoming one of the most well rounded skaters in the world…. CYR’s Skip Snead caught up with him while checking in with his dad and grandparents at the Astrodeck World HQ in San Clemente. Here’s what they talked about …..

Skip Snead: So Greyson, what’s the difference between a surf air and a skate air?
Greyson Fletcher: The difference is surfing you’re riding on a surface that is moving the whole time and not all waves have a decent air section. Skating you can just keep taking the same line to the same ramp every time. That is if there isn’t little scooter kids in the way not looking around.

Skip Snead: Can you do a surf air on a skate board?
Greyson Fletcher: Yeah, the closest I guess would be a backside 360. Or when you do a frontside air and throw your tail.
Skip Snead: Do the different copings out there make a difference? What coping do you like?
Greyson Fletcher: It does make a difference. There’s pool coping made out of a couple different things now. Steel coping, sometimes bricks become coping and even rocks become coping sometimes. Sometimes there’s even “noping” no coping and that’s what my local park mostly is (laughs) Just depends on who you are and what you want. Steel coping and pool coping is really fast and smooth. Bricks are sometimes slippery too, and rocks are sticky and rough so you can’t really grind that far on them.
Skip Snead: Who’s your favorite skater?
Greyson Fletcher: That local guy who gets off work and goes and charges with no sponsors and doesn’t care to be.
Skip Snead: Where’s the best place to skate in Orange County?
Greyson Fletcher: Vans Combi Bowl. It’s so smooth, fast and has good sized walls, probably around 10 to eleven feet deep.
Skip Snead: Who are your favorite surfers?
Greyson Fletcher: John John, Nathan and Ivan Florence. And Bruce Irons.
Skip Snead: How important is style?
Greyson Fletcher: It’s all about style.


Originally posted 2015-09-19 15:06:19. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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