Another successful night under the lights at Costa Mesa’s gem, Volcom Skatepark. The future of skateboarding may not be ready for its own future. These kids can skate! Check the full album for your photos and remember 1/3 OF ALL PROFITS GO RIGHT BACK TO THE NSSL!! Photographer: Carl Carpentier Originally posted 2013-03-16…
Rain, rain, go away. Friday night’s NSSL contest got pushed out till Saturday due to some local rain. The sun shone down and the Volcom Park in Costa Mesa was lit up with tons of stoked groms getting park laps all day. The contest was insane and the kids were pushing the limits. Carl Carpentier was on-site to get the photos. REMEMBER…
Another successful contest at the Volcom Park in Costa Mesa! Tilly’s came out to present a check for 10-G’s to the NSSL as a donation for 2013. The energy was high and the hammers were coming out. Carl Carpentier was behind the lens getting the shots. REMEMBER 1/3 OF ALL PROFITS ARE DONATED BACK TO THE NSSL!! SPECIAL PHOTO PACKAGES…