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Tag archive: ghetto juice magazine

Ghetto Juice Airshow Presented by Alpinestars - HB, CA | 5/11/13

Southside HB pier is as good of a venue as any to hold a contest! This year, The Shoe City Pro (APSS) rolled onto the sand and the contest ran in not-so-spectacular surf. However, the show was still pretty spectacular. Ghetto Juice Magazine also threw the Ghetto Juice Airshow Presented by Alpinestars. The action above…

Photo of the Day

Here’s a killer P.O.T.D. from our exclusive interview with Joe Foster. Check it out if you haven’t yet! Originally posted 2013-05-28 20:29:20. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

Joe Foster. The Interview.

We caught up with Joe Foster. He is a surf photographer who’s worth talking about with amazing work in Ghetto Juice Magazine (as a key photographer for the Mag), Surfline, and more. Check out the interview we got below here! (use green arrows on the right side of the image)   Photos: Joe Foster Interview: Jake…

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