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Tag archive: Cummings

Mt. High, CA | 1/12/12

While we were down in the trenches running the booths for Craft Beer Days, Zack was up on the hill shooting you all riding all day! Check it out and look for your photos. Photographer: Zack Cummings Originally posted 2015-10-05 21:52:46. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

Bear Mountain, CA | 12/17/12

Bear Mountain has been all-time lately. The park has been on point and the weather’s been great. Pray for some more snow! Photographer: Zack Cummings Originally posted 2012-12-17 01:05:24. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

ARC Skateshop Jam Contest, CA | 2/17/13

ARC Ride Shop in Riverside hosted a parking lot skate jam with a few boxes, rails, game of S.K.A.T.E. and ollie contests: keeping it classy. Winners went home with a nice pocket of cash. The ollie contest bragging rights and cash went out to Winston who ollied 19 boards wheel to wheel laying on the…

Bear Mountain, CA | 11/21/12

As the season is swinging into full effect in Southern California, the park staff get the tools organized, the features start making their way up the hill, and the masses start flocking to the local mountains. Early as it may be, the sun was shining and we were there to grab some shots! Photogrpaher: Zack…

Bear Mountain, CA | 1/1/13

Happy New Year’s! To those of you that got out of bed early this morning and made it to Bear, our hats are off to you; and to us. We did it too and got some great shots of some of the first tricks landed in 2013. Photographer: Zack Cummings Originally posted 2013-01-01 01:24:02. Republished…

Photo of the Day

It’s no surprise winter’s swiftly running away from us in Southern California. Today’s P.O.T.D. is dedicated to us making do with what snow we have left. Here’s a shot from Zack Cummings in Bear before the season got into full swing. Originally posted 2015-08-22 03:12:54. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

Bear Mountain, CA | 2/18/13

More fun at Bear Mountain today and some new angles most people don’t see shots from usually. Photographer: Zack Cummings Originally posted 2013-02-18 18:57:49. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

Big Bear, CA - Street Spot | 1/3/13

The beauty of snowboarding is most snow towns turn in to all-out skateparks when it dumps. A small crew packed up their gear and headed into the night in Big Bear this night. Using only headlights from cars to light the way, the gang threw down on a few features that, in summer, are simply…

Bear Mountain, CA | 1/5/13

New Year’s Resolution: Double Cork everything. The sun’s been staying out for more great park laps in Bear and we’ve been posted up getting shots of you killing it. Photographer: Zack Cummings Originally posted 2013-01-05 01:27:31. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

Santa Ana Skatepark, CA | 1/30/13

Today, Zack rolled to Santa Ana Skatepark for a quick set of images. He had limited time but got major results. The level in Santa Ana is up there with the rest. Another hot-bed for the future of our sport. Photographer: Zack Cummings Originally posted 2015-09-09 10:33:01. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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