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Farewell Bear Mountain 2012/13 Ender Beach Bar Bash

Farewell Bear Mountain 2012/13 Ender Beach Bar Bash

Big Bear Mountain | 4/7/13 16:23pm – Authorities did all they could. Ambulances showed up on the scene but it was too late; Bear Mountain was pronounced dead on the scene April 7th, 2013.

At least until next year. It’s fun to personify our local favorite resorts cause they seem to be more unpredictable than a tantrum-throwing girlfriend. She’s hot, she’s cold. But you’ll never leave her because she’s too good to you and let’s face it, she’s a total babe. We end this season with a bang. Hundreds gathered around to finish the season off right. With The Launch being shot and then the Ashbury Demo, everyone had time and thirst to get off the mountain and head to the Beach Bar to unwind from a few banger-packed days. Here’s an album of a few moments captured by Jared Meyer

Originally posted 2013-04-11 20:19:23. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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