Ever wanted to just pack into a van and head to the hottest climate in North America to chase some of the best skateparks in the Country? Well David Shay and friends from Active Ride Shop, Ezekiel Clothing, and Civilian Skateboards gassed up the wagon and did exactly that.
The skating is all-time and the cinematography is on point. Go get a bag of popcorn and maybe even a pen and paper for notes; sit back and enjoy Desert Run.
Featuring: Travis Harrison, Doug Mares, Chris Chavarria, David Shay, Nate Delgado, Jake Wellins
Sponsorship provided by: Active Ride Shop, Ezekiel Clothing, Farrell’s Ice Cream Parlor Restaurants, Civilian Skateboards
Directed by David Shay
Originally posted 2013-05-13 17:37:16. Republished by Blog Post Promoter