Demo Days Mammoth Mountain, CA – Burton Socal | 2/15/13

Every year,
Mammoth Mountain Hosts the annual gathering known as Demo Days. Shops and Brands get together at the Mill parking lot to showcase and demo the gear landing the following year.
Burton Snowboards always brings the heat and this year they did in the form of a fire pit, on a deck, on fully gutted Airstream from the mid 70’s. The sun showed up too and gave everyone a chance to try next years equipment on sunny groomers on some of the best parks and peaks in California. There’s also the whole nightlife thing too: the town is awake until the wee hours of the morning getting weird – coffee, water and Excedrin is the only thing you see until about noon.
Photographer/Video: Jake Pollgreen
Originally posted 2013-02-15 18:31:36. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
Burton, Free Photos, Mammoth, Pollgreen, Snow, Video