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Category archive: Uncategorized

Get out there. Travel. Surf. Love life. Live life. Do this. Do something like it. Do anything. Just DO. Leave comfort zones. Pave new paths. Explore. Then never stop. Make your life worth writing stories about. GET OUT THERE. Originally posted 2013-04-10 04:22:50. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

If this don’t make you want to get out your passport, tropical wax, and Zinka, and call a travel agent –  then i don’t know what will. Originally posted 2013-03-21 23:56:39. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

Burton Snowboards gives us: Danny Davis, Stephan Maurer, Gabi Viteri, & Natasza Zurek take you through a gem at Jackson Hole, The Stash Park. Looks like what we all dream about – goofin’ off with friends riding all day. Originally posted 2013-04-03 17:01:43. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

Pretty Sweet had a game-changer intro, but I still am in love with this one. Enjoy. Originally posted 2013-04-14 00:01:12. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

Thanks, Kalani Chapman – for reminding us what surfing is all about. Ever since this video, we’ve only tried to get barreled. Originally posted 2013-04-07 20:40:01. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

For some, this season is over. But for those that seek the snow and are willing to go after the season a lil longer and hike uphill, the season is still dragging on. Romes 12 Months Project, June- Woth the Hike, they seek those slightly covered snow hills to ride during the summer. Just check…

Is This The Best Man on Man Heat Ever?

It’s 1986. We’re at Bells Beach for the Rip Curl Pro and in the water are the two hottest surfers in the world. One, a natural-footer named Tom Curren, and the other a goofy-foot called Occy in what many claim to be the most legendary Man on Man ASP Surfing performance ever witnessed. No airs,…

Joe Foster. The Interview.

We caught up with Joe Foster. He is a surf photographer who’s worth talking about with amazing work in Ghetto Juice Magazine (as a key photographer for the Mag), Surfline, and more. Check out the interview we got below here! (use green arrows on the right side of the image)   Photos: Joe Foster Interview: Jake…

Burnquist Adds Hip to the Hip

Oakley, Inc. introduces a new six-part webisode series featuring skateboarding icon Bob Burnquist, 36. The series gives viewers exclusive access to the private domain in which many of Burnquist’s contributions to skateboarding were born: his backyard in Southern California, which is better known as ‘Dreamland.’ So much of Burnquist’s character and personality are reflected in…

Photo of the Day

Warm water and tan lines await as summer draws close. This photo from Felicidad De Lucas is a great reminder of how much fun it is when it’s hot out. Come on SUMMER! Originally posted 2013-04-12 07:51:33. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

Caught You Ripping | Action Sport Photography Made Easy