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Category archive: Sporatic

Enjoy this video of the best of the best slipping, slamming, and skipping. Yeah, they fall sometimes too. Originally posted 2013-03-07 16:12:46. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

MORE THAN A CENTURY OLD: FIRST BOOK ON SURFING GOES TO AUCTION Handmade Book by ‘Father of Surf Photography’ A.R. Gurrey, Jr. Includes Iconic Images of Hawaii’s Surf Legends, Including Duke Kahanamoku MARCH 11, 2013 – (San Clemente, Calif.) – The Surfing Heritage & Culture Center today announced that The Surf Riders of Hawaii, a truly unique and…

SWELL ALERT: Shooting Tomorrow (4/10)! Check Updates for Locations!

As the swell is staying strong and the nasty winds are dying, be ready for our photogs to be hitting the OC beaches tomorrow with gear in hand. Get out to Newport Beach or HB tomorrow and get in front of the lens! Originally posted 2013-04-09 22:43:26. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

Tom Green put together this video of the craziness thats been going on down at the wedge and in newport. No doubt that if you missed this crazy south swell you missed out big time. Broken surfboards, jacked up surfers and body boarders were all that was left by these 20+ swells but thanks to…

Who woulda thunk?? That what cleaned up America’s kitchen counters in the 1950s would lead way to one of the most popular non-surfing forms of wave riding on the planet!! From sponge to superstar and beyond, we take a look at the evolution of the modern day sponge…. Let’s take a look at how it…

Photo MAYhem! ALL Photos for only a Buck

Welcome to May. Home of Cinco De Mayo, No Socks Day (May 8th – Look it up; it’s real), Buy a Musical Instrument Day (I’m buying this), and now… Photo MAYhem! For the month of May, ALL PHOTOS, new and old, are just ONE DOLLAR! So go back through the archives and break open that…

Photo of the Day

Felicidad De Lucas snagged this one in beautiful Costa Rica of Duddy Hein taking cover from the sun. Originally posted 2013-03-20 21:36:50. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

Photo of the Day

Long-time surf photog and newly added to our team, Tom Green has amazing style and composition. This one somewhere in SoCal has a dark feel to it and we like it. Originally posted 2013-04-28 00:50:09. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

Caught You Ripping | Action Sport Photography Made Easy