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ASP / WCT World Title Race Continues with Billabong Pro Tahiti

ASP / WCT World Title Race Continues with Billabong Pro Tahiti

The Billabong Pro Tahiti is happening right now as we speak, or type … Round 1 is in the water and the surf is a little on the small side. Still, there are some epic little tubes being ridden and we’re sure the guys will be going off all day. CLICK HERE for the Live Webcast!!

OK. Since it’s small in Tahiti today we reflect on one of the better sessions at Chopes earlier this year….  The day was May 13th, 2013 and it will go down as one of the most memorable days in the Tahitian history..

CLICK HERE TO WATCH as Tahitian demi-god Raimana Van Bastolaer rode on some of the swell’s best and biggest waves, along with professional surfers Maya Gabeira, Carlos Burle and others that were brave enough to take off on what’s knows as the heaviest wave in the world.

Video by Red Bull Media


Originally posted 2013-08-15 17:52:02. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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