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3 Clues You Need a Thicker, Wider Surfboard

3 Clues You Need a Thicker, Wider Surfboard

OMG, you’re Losing Speed!! We all know how it goes. One day you’re surfing like little Robbie Machado in the 90s, and the next day like a Turtle crossing the road. Nothing causes a session burnout like going slow on a wave. It’s happened to us all. We flip the board over and examine the bottom, as if…. but the problem isn’t the board, it’s YOU!! Did you forget you gained 30 pounds in the last six months? Then why are you still riding the same board you were when you were 18! Here are three reasons you’re surfing slower, and a few tips that may or may not help you surf a little faster in the future…

Sometimes the surf is small, no guts, maybe even a foot high. Yet you’re still pumping down the line on your 5’7” acting like it’s the U.S. Open! Don’t do it! Just get a thicker board. Not only will this bring some respect back to your surfing, but you’ll look stylish, too.
Solution: To reduce the risk of surfing aggro, get a thicker, wider board with a narrower entry point…. You’ll be having a blast and surfing stylish in no time!

There’s no better feeling on earth! You catch a wave, feel the rush dropping in, set your rail off the bottom turn and …  lose all your speed! Again it has to do with weight. You might be a little too heavy, digging in a little too much rail. Again if this is happening, just go thicker! Nothing’s worse than running out of speed off the bottom turn!
Solution: To reduce bottom turn drag, get a thicker, wider board with a narrower entry point…. You’ll be having a blast and turning fast off the bottom in no time!

Surfing is about catching waves and you can’t catch waves if you’re sinking to the bottom of the ocean while paddling your board. When that happens you have absolutely no speed to catch the wave, or will get completely drilled trying to duck-dive one because there’s not enough foam to pop you back up to the surface. Solution: To reduce board sinkage, get a thicker, wider board with a narrower entry point…. You’ll be having a blast and paddling past your friends in no time!

not how you do it



Originally posted 2013-08-08 16:33:16. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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