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22 Years Ago in Terje Haakonsen History!!

22 Years Ago in Terje Haakonsen History!!

The year is 1991 and it’s not only the start of the last decade of the century, but the official start to Terje Haakonsen’s amazing career in the world of snowboard. Sure he was busting at the hip in the late 80s, but things didn’t really get kicking until the official start of the Action Sports Industry in the early 1990s …. The Sprocking Cat would re-invent halfpipe snowboarding, and take the sport to new limits. The soft spoken Norwegian was just getting his boots wet when Burton did this interview with him for a new snowboard flick. Do you think they knew just how gnarly Terje would end up being? We think so … he’s been part of the Burton family ever since!

Check it out … 22 Years ago in Terje Haakonsen history. Enjoy it. Share it. Respect it.

Originally posted 2013-09-04 16:21:09. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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